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Photography is my passion. Throughout the course of this school year I have learned so much about photography. For example, I learned that a zoom lens can help with a more of a shallow depth of field, when shooting a fast moving subject you have to have a quicker shutter speed and a higher ISO, but when shooting a slow moving or non-moving subject you have to get the shutter speed and ISO smaller, and I’ve learned so much more. For the photo where my subject is moving around a sparkler, I used a fast shutter speed and I had to set my ISO the highest it could be at 6400, therefore the camera needed more light to go into the lens because of it being night and completely dark. I did the same with the picture I have of the stars, since you could not see all of them that are in the actual photo I had to set my camera to a higher exposure so it picks up the other stars that we can not see.


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