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“If I like a moment. I mean, me... personally. I don’t like to have the distraction of a camera. I just want to stay in it. Right there...”- The Secret Life of Walter Mitty. This simple quote has inspired me so much as a photographer and filmmaker. Life is about living in the moment, with photography you can capture these moments and have them forever, that is why I have such a strong passion for photography. I not only have a passion for photography, but also filmmaking. Ever since I was younger I would always love to make small videos. Now that I have gotten older and have more of a grasp on what filmmaking is, I make short films all the time. When photographing I like to take short films, because I want the viewer to know more about what is going on at that moment. So it feels like you stepped into the photo and get a feel of what is actually happening in the photo. A goal of mine is to be able to be a professional photographer or filmmaker, to travel around the world and be able to capture moments to share with others. “Without a goal, you can’t score.”- Casey Neistat.


When I am photographing and making a film I use movement, color, and contrast. I use movement in filmmaking by blurring objects in and out throughout the film, using other object to draw your eye into the main subject, and moving around so it is not just all about the main subject. In photography I use a lot of color and contrast. When taking photos I focus mainly on these because my photos always have a color theme. When I’m out taking photos I focus on what the color and contrast theme will be. For example, when I’m shooting at the golden hour (about an hour or two hours before the sun actually sets) I focus on a golden theme and a soft contrast.


“Gear doesn’t matter.”- Casey Neistat. When first starting out it doesn’t matter what materials you use, it is the overall concept and techniques you add. For example, when I was first starting out in photography I was only using my iPhone 4s. But with the techniques I was using I would take amazing shots, they just turned out to be more pixilated and not as good quality as a professional camera.


My art mainly revolves around nature. I’m always taking outdoor shots, whether it be of nature; flowers, trees, ect., or just posing my model(s) outside. My art is very simple and clean, never too messy or busy. Since I shoot outside I use natural lighting for most of my pictures.


I am currently working on short films and different types of photography shots. I have learned from my past experiences that you need to step outside your comfort zone to get the photograph you want. For example, last year it was pouring outside and the sun was just setting, so instead of just sitting inside I went out with my camera and umbrella, sat at the end of my driveway and started shooting the sky. The photos turned out absolutely stunning, and I’m so glad that I went outside and got the shots I wanted even though it wasn’t the best weather. But, there was many times I missed a chance to get a photo because I was too scared to step outside my comfort zone. Lately, I have been working on filmmaking, I have been trying out different time lapses so they flow with the music that I put in. Also, I like to cut down the time lapse to make some of the film normal speed and then some of it a faster speed to get the time lapse effect. I believe that with everything I have been doing with my art, film and photography, this has made my work unique. I am very proud of all the work I do and I know for a fact that I won’t stop creating new photographs and films anytime soon.


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